The dental root infection is caused due to the decayed tooth. As the foreign food particles enter into the tooth, it builds up the collection of food materials leading to infection. The treatment will be based on the extent of the infection. In cases where the pulp is infected, root canal treatment or in severe cases the extraction of tooth will be suggested.
Therefore it is necessary to maintain proper dental hygiene to avoid the risks.
Ayurvedic medicines like Sapatachadadi Kvath - 15ml with 60ml of warm water before food twice daily, Divya Khadiradi
Vati and Divya Kanchanar Guggulu can be taken for a month and then reviewed.
Include bittergourd, carrots, cucumber, tomatoes, oranges and lemon. Avoid cold juices and sweet things like sweets or ice cream. Rinse your mouth every time after you eat. Please consult your nearest dentist to know the extent of the infection. Ayurvedic medicines will help to reduce the swelling. It is always advisable to check with the doctor when the pain is not responding as the delay in getting it treated will increase the infection.